US Study Abroad Capacity Building tour

Between June 5-11, 2016 the Commission organized a U.S. Study Abroad Capacity Building tour for 9 representatives of U.S. universities.
Day 1
U.S. Study Abroad Capacity Building tour participants visited Corvinus University of Budapest hosted by Zita Zoltayné Paprika (’05 California State University, Sacramento), Dean and Fulbright Board Member; the American Corner by Erika Sólyom (’03 Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Director; CIEE – Council on International Educational Exchange and Antall Jozsef Knowledge Centre.
Day 2
The 9 representatives of US universities met Director István Antal, Jesuit Roma College (Jezsuita Roma Szakkollégium) and Mária Bogdán (’08 Columbia University), Chair of the Board, Romaversitas Foundation.
During a workshop on internationalization of Hungarian higher education at the Ministry of Human Capacities hosted by Kolos Gálffy, Dep. Head of Bilateral Cooperation and Fulbright Board Member participants met representatives of 5 Hungarian universities among them Katalin Nagy (’02 Cornell Medical College, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center), Vice Rector, University of Szeged.
Day 3
Capacity Building tour participants visited University of Pécs and met Director István Tarrósy (’12 University of Florida), Centre for International Relations and Gyöngyi Pozsgai, International Relations Co-ordinator.
The group also visited the Faculty of Arts guided by Márta Nagy (’15 University of Iowa) and the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology by József Laczkó (’03 New York University) & Dean Róbert Gábriel (’13 University of Montana—Missoula). The city tour was guided by Péter Müller (’93 Duquesne University & ’16 Cleveland State University)
Day 4-5
University visits at Budapest Metropolitan University by András Kepes (’85 Stanford University), Chair of Council of Arts and at Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music by Gyula Fekete (’94 Northwestern University & ’04 Chicago College of Performing Arts), Head of Composition Department. The group also visited the Aquincum Institute of Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Budapest Semesters in Mathematics.