COVID-19 Information
Please visit for more information the Prometric website:
Address of the Fulbright-Prometric Computer Based Test Center:
Budapest 1111
Bertalan Lajos utca 2.
9th floor #903
Center code: 8042
Register for the TOEFL iBT Test
About the TOEFL test:
The TOEFL test (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is administered on fixed dates in a network of secured internet-based test centers. It measures all four language skills that are important for effective communication: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Some questions require test takers to combine more than one skill: to succeed academically in English-speaking colleges and universities, students need to be able to combine their language skills in the classroom. Integrated questions, or tasks in the tests will help learners build the skills and confidence needed to communicate effectively in the academic environments they plan to enter. The integrated tasks will ask test takers to
- read, listen and then speak in response to a question
- listen and then speak in response to a question
- read, listen and then write in response to a question
Starting August 1, 2019 an improved TOEFL iBT test has been launched with a shorter test, enhanced score reporting and easier registration
See also the TOEFL Information Bulletin
Test takers can register online or by phone. The test fee for TOEFL iBT in Hungary is 220 USD. For more information on registration and practice please visit the official website of Educational Testing Service at
Make sure you read carefully your appointment confirmation received after registration. It will contain important information about date, time and location of your test, ID requirements, etc.
Applicants can check the TOEFL test dates 2024 online at the ETS official website.
Tests are on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
On the day of your test:
- Arrive at the test center 30 minutes prior to your appointment time
- Bring 2 acceptable ID documents. ID requirements:
- be an original document; photocopied documents are not acceptable and documents cannot be presented on a mobile phone or any other electronic device
- be a government-issued national/state/province identity card that is issued and recognized by the country where you are a citizen or resident
- be valid; expired documents are not acceptable
- include your full name exactly matching the name on the ID document used to register, excluding accents or diacritical marks
- include a recent, recognizable photograph
- include your signature (the name on the ID and the signature name must match)
Please check detailed ID requirements here:
- At the test center, test takers will store their belongings in their own personal locker.
- Paper and pencils will be provided for note taking.
- Items allowed in the testing room: your locker’s key, your ID and items provided by the Test Center staff such as paper, pencils, and tissues (upon request).
During check in procedure, test takers will be requested to empty their pockets, to raise up their sleeves and pant legs, and they will be checked with a metal detector. Glasses and larger jewelry will be inspected as well.
No electronic devices, mobile phones, wrist watches or bracelet watches are allowed in the testing room.
For further details, please check ETS website:
During the test:
Reading, Listening; Speaking, Writing
Timing of the test:
Since July 26, 2023 TOEFL iBT test is approximately 2 hours long.
Please check the timing and sections of your test:
Section |
No. of Questions |
Estimated Timing |
Reading |
20 |
35 minutes |
Listening |
28 |
36 minutes |
Speaking |
4 tasks |
16 minutes |
Writing |
2 tasks |
29 minutes |
The test will be scored on a 0–30 scale for each section, and 0–120 for the total score.
Scores will be reported online. Test takers will be able to view and download scores online 4-8 days after the test. The exact date you can expect to receive your official scores will be displayed at the end of your TOEFL iBT test.
Test fee includes up to 4 free official TOEFL score reports to be sent to the TOEFL Destinations. Score recipient institutions can be selected during registration, before you take the test.
Colleges and universities will be able to view online scores, but will continue to receive scores via their current method of delivery.
Please note, that printed score reports are NOT sent by mail any more, unless ordered during registration. Should you need a printed official score report for any reason (e.g. naturalization/national validation of your exam), make sure you order a printed official score report during registration. Printed official score reports are sent by mail approximately 4-5 weeks after the test.
Scores are valid for 2 years and can be sent to other institutions or agencies during that time.
Information for Hungarian Test Takers
A vizsga számítógépen történik, egynyelvű, és fordítási részt nem tartalmaz. A vizsga során semmilyen segédeszköz nem használható. A vizsga díja Magyarországon 220 USD, mely összeg az online jelentkezés során kártyás vásárlásként kerül levonásra.
Online jelentkezés a vizsgá
A 2 órás TOEFL iBT teszt 4 részből áll:
- Reading (olvasott szöveg értelmezése)
- Listening (hallás utáni megértés)
- Speaking (olvasott/hallott szöveggel kapcsolatos kérdésre adott szóbeli válasz)
- Writing (fogalmazás)
Az eredményt 0-120 pontig terjedő skálán értékeli a rendszer. A teszt eredménye A teszt eredménye a vizsgát követő 4-8. naptól megtekinthető és PDF-ben letölthető az internetes regisztráció során létrehozott ‘online profile’-ban.
Magyarországon hivatalos vizsgabizonyítványként elfogadott nyomtatott teszteredményt (printed score report) csak akkor kap a vizsgázó, ha ilyen irányú igényét előzetesen, a regisztráció során jelzi. Amennyiben a vizsgázó a regisztráció során rendelt hivatalos, nyomtatott vizsgabizonyítványt, akkor az körülbelül 4-5 hét múlva érkezik meg az Egyesült Államokból a vizsgázó címére. Amennyiben a vizsgázó nem érte el a megkövetelt pontszámot, ismételt regisztráció és vizsgadíj befizetés esetén lehetősége van a vizsga újbóli letételére a következő héten.
A teszt eredménye 2 évig érvényes. A TOEFL iBT vizsga az elért pontszámtól függően (47-65 pont: B1 alapfok / 66-82 pont: B2 középfok / 83-120 pont: C1 felsőfok) kiegészítő vizsga nélkül egynyelvű C-nek; kiegészítő írásbeli vizsgával kétnyelvű C-nek felel meg. Amennyiben vizsgáját honosítani szeretné, érdemes egy vizsgabizonyítványt rendelnie a 9032 – Fulbright Hungary kódszámra is. A saját névre szóló eredmény nem minden esetben minősül hivatalos vizsgabizonyítványnak. A honosítás-sal kapcsolatban a Nyelvvizsgáztatási Akkreditációs Központ ad bővebb felvilágosítást.