Selection of Hungarian student grantees AY 2020-2021

The Fulbright Commission is proud to announce the selection of 13 Hungarian students and the nomination of 3 Humphrey candidates for Academic Year 2020-21. Many thanks to 56 peer reviewers (almost all HU and US alumni) who evaluated 57 student and 8 Humphrey applications of the 63 and 8 received.
We conducted 51 interviews during July, 2019, and this led to the selection of 13 student Fulbrighters and 3 Humphrey nominees for 2020-21. Of those 13, 10 will being doing research as Visiting Student Researchers (VSR) and three will seek admission to degree-granting programs.
Five of our Board members, 6 alumni and 4 friends of Fulbright helped us with the 20 minute long interviews.
We are very proud that the applicants reflected 32 distinct academic fields, and those selected each represent a distinct academic field.
The Hungarian scholar deadline for AY 2020-21 was October 10th, and we received a near record-breaking number of applications from Hungarian lecturers and reseachers.
All of this, of course, is with the help of our US and Hungarian alumni community. Thank you again.
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