Fulbright orientation Fall 2014

Written by Fulbright on 09/05/2014. Posted in News

Fulbright orientation Fall 2014

Fulbright Hungary held its orientation week for 17 US scholars and students during the week of September 1, 2014. Our new scholars and students were briefed on the practicalities of living in Hungary, and were treated to a panel discussion on current Hungarian politics chaired by ED Károly Jókay, with two guest speakers, Péter Krekó of the consulting firm Political Capital and Ákos Balogh, editor of the on-line political portal, Mandiner. Former Finance Minister Csaba Laszló, currently senior partner with KPMG, led a discussion on economic issues.

Our scholars and students also got a taste of dining along the Danube, and visited Szentendre, an artists’ colony, as well as the medieval and renaissance fortress of Visegrád.

Fulbright orientation Fall 2014 Fulbright orientation Fall 2014