Fulbright Day at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC

Ambassador H.E. Réka Szemerkényi, Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC and Fulbright Hungary co-hosted a concert, presentation and reception by and for Fulbright alumni from the US and Hungary on Friday, March 20th in Washington, D.C. About 70 Fulbrighters, family and stakeholders attended. Ambassador Szemerkényi shared a few thoughts about her own experience as a Fulbrighter studying at Johns Hopkins, and Károly Jókay, Executive Director, announced several new grants available to US applicants interested in coming to Hungary during the 2016-17 academic year.
Shelby and Daniel Sender (’10 Liszt Academy of Music) played the piano and violin to get us in the mood. Scott Campbell (’07 University of Pannonia), Brittany Carlino-Marburger (’13 Veres Pálné Gimnázium), Jozsi Jalics (’13 Wigner Research Center for Physics) and Eric Lopez (’08 Central European University) gave powerful, personal and convincing testimonials about the impact of their time spent in Hungary, and the way in which their lives have been changed by their experiences there.
All attendees enjoyed a sumptuous feast prepared by the Embassy’s chef and catering staff.
Thank you to the Ambassador and to Dávid Singer, First Secretary, Cultural Affairs for their support and organization, and to all Fulbrighters and stakeholders who joined us that evening. Kudos to Annamaria Sas for her work with past, present and future US grantees to Hungary.
For more pictures see our Flickr Album