Fulbright Board

Board Members of the Hungarian – American Commission for Educational Exchange

The Commission’s Board (Magyar-Amerikai Fulbright Alapítvány Kuratóriuma) is a binational policy-making and supervisory body which consists of ten members, five of whom are citizens of the United States and five of whom are citizens of Hungary. The Board members are appointed by the U.S. Ambassador to Budapest and the Hungarian Minister for Culture and Innovation, respectively, for two-year terms. The governments of the U.S. and Hungary are represented by two members each; the others are university professors and representatives of the private sector.

The Board meets several times a year to discuss policy and programs. Although the decisions of the Board are subject to the approval of the funding governments, the Commission enjoys a high degree of autonomy. As it operates in the sphere of cultural diplomacy, there is no political direction to its activities. Thus, excellence and integrity, always associated with the Fulbright Program, are ensured.

Ambassador Tamás Magyarics
Chair of the Fulbright Board
Professor Emeritus, Institute of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University of Science

1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5.
Tel: 411-6500/4214
E-mail: magyaricst@gmail.com

Dr. Kristóf Iván
Dean, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University

1083 Budapest, Práter u. 50/A.
Tel: 886-4703
E-mail: ivan.kristof@itk.ppke.hu

Mr. Márk Horváth
Head of the Department for North-America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
1027 Budapest, Bem rakpart 47.
Tel: 458-1468
E-mail: mhorvath@mfa.gov.hu

Mr. Roland Jakab
Director General, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network
1052 Budapest, Piarista utca 4.
Tel: 30/155-9978
E-mail: jakab.roland@hun-ren.hu

Prof. Dr. Zoltán O. Szántó
Dean, Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest
1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6.
Tel: 482-7347
E-mail: z.o.szanto@uni-corvinus.hu

Ms. Cheryl Francisconi
Former Head of IIE Europe at Institute of International Education
E-mail: cfrancisconi@gmail.com

Mr. Stanley Ward
Senior Lecturer, Business Communications, Corvinus University of Budapest
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
E-mail: stan.ward.jr@gmail.com

Mr. Nicholas Kabcenell
Structured Capital Partners
1137 Budapest, Katona József utca 39, I.7
E-mail: nkabcenell@structuredcp.com

Mr. Jonas D. Stewart
Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Hungary
1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 12.
Tel.: 475-4400
E-mail: PublicAffairsBudapest@state.gov

Mr. Shawn A. Kobb
Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy in Hungary

1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 12.
Tel.: 475-4400
E-mail: CulturalAffairsBudapest@state.gov