Archive for September, 2015
United States Deputy Chief of Mission Hosts Fulbright Grantees and Friends
Ed Loo, as well as new Fulbright Board members Eric Watnik, the new Public Affairs Officer, and Chris Machin, the new Cultural Affairs Officer, introduced themselves and welcomed the US grantees, both students and lecturer/researchers.
New Fulbright Hungary parters such as the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Renyi Instutite of Mathmatics, along with Szent István University (Gödöllő) were also in attendance.
Thank you to the Embassy for this nice event.
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Pál Rutkai received NYSID Chairman’s Award
Pál Rutkai, Fulbright-Hungary Initiatives Foundation student grantee at New York School of Interior Design (AY 2014-15) successfully graduated and received The Chairman’s Award to recognize his outstanding creative achievements in the Master of Professional Studies in Healthcare Interior Design Program.
Mr. Rutkai will return to Zoboki, Demeter & Associates Architects in order to share his newly acquired experience and knowledge.
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