US Study Abroad Capacity Building tour 2018

The Commission organized the 3rd U.S. Study Abroad Capacity Building tour for 10 representatives of U.S. universities between June 3-9, 2018
Day 1
The workshop on Internationalization of the Hungarian Higher Education was hosted by Orsolya Jánosik (Deputy Director, Division of Study in Hungary, TEMPUS Foundation). The activities of the Fulbright Commission and the Fulbright EducationUSA Advising Center were presented by Dr. Károly Jókay, Executive Director and Ms. Kornélia Litkei, Senior Adviser. U.S. Study Abroad Capacity Building tour participants met representatives of CIEE – Council on International Educational Exchange, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design.
Day 2
The 10 representatives of US universities visited the Central European University and met representatives of Roma educational institutions: Evelin Farkas, Jesuit Roma Residential College and Mária Bogdán (’08 Columbia University), CEU – Romani Studies Program.
The group visited the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics hosted by Dean Kristóf Iván (’11 UC Berkeley) and a workshop was organized with representatives of University of Debrecen (Orsolya Jánosy, Head of International Affairs), Corvinus University of Budapest (István Vilmos Kovács, Director of International Relations and Innovation) and Eötvös Loránd University of Science (Dr. Ferenc Takó, Head of International Strategy Office).
Day 3
Capacity Building tour participants visited the University of Szeged by bus and participated in a workshop on the university’s international programs, policy led by Vice Rector Katalin Nagy (’02 Cornell Medical College, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). The group also visited the American Corner, the ELI – Extreme Light Infrastucture Laser Facility and met members of Fulbright Alumni Association Szeged Chapter.
Day 4
The group visited the Metropolitan University of Budapest Art Campus hosted by Dean György Túry (’12 Ohio State University) and met representatives of The Hungarian University of Fine Arts (É. Kiss Piroska). Later that day the group visited the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music hosted by Orsolya Freytag and Gyula Fekete (’94 Northwestern University & ’04 Chicago College of Performing Arts). The day concluded with a visit to the Hungarian Parliament and a concert at the Academy of Music.
Day 5
Visit to BSM – Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, workshop on Mathematics education in Hungary (Director Dezső Miklós)
Visit to AIT – Aquincum Institute of Technology, Budapest, workshop on mission, concept and practice (Gábor Bojár, Entrepreneur and Founder; András Recski, Academic Director)