US Fulbright scholars presentations at Csányi Foundation
- On October 19, 2013 Beth Mattingly (’13 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Kodály Institute, Kecskemét) visited the Community House of Jászberény and presented on her research on the Kodály-method.
- On October 25, 2013 Daniel Nyikos (’13 University of Szeged) visited the Community House of Szeged for an unconventional discussion on literature.
- On November 15-16, 2013 Holly Streekstra (’13 University of Kaposvár) gave two lectures in Kaposvár and Nagybajom on her artworks.
- On November 22, 2013 David Degge (’13 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music) visited the Community House of Pécs for a talk on different musical instruments and about instrumental music.
- On April 4, 2014 Jamie Hoversen (’12 Eötvös Loránd University and FEAC) practiced English with the children in Nagybajom.
Annamária Sas (’89 Language Development Magnet School, TX) U.S. Program Officer, a Fulbright alumna herself participated in all of the events.
The Csányi Foundation, founded by Dr. Sándor Csányi, Chairman and CEO, OTP Bank plc supports gifted, socially disadvantaged children through each milestone of their lives, assisting them to overcome socio-economic obstacles and to develop their innate talents. One of the keystone of the Foundation’s Lifelong Advantage Program is language acquisition.