South-Hungarian Fulbright Chapter

Written by Fulbright on 03/18/2013. Posted in News

South-Hungarian Fulbright ChapterOn Thursday, March 7, Katalin Nagy (’02 Cornell Medical College, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Szeged; President of the Fulbright Alumni Association and the South-Hungarian Fulbright Chapter hosted the Fulbright Roadshow led by Károly Jókay, Executive Director of the Hungarian Fulbright Commission.
Professor József Pál, Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs gave the welcome speech on behalf of the University. Director Jókay was explaining the opportunities and requirements of the Fulbright Fellowship. Following the presentation, former Fulbrighters (heads of departments and faculties) were invited to join the Fulbright group at a luncheon hosted by Professor Nagy at a traditional restaurant by the Tisza river, where Dr. Jókay toasted the group and everyone enjoyed the bowls of the famous Szegedi halászlé, túrós csusza and wines. Professor Michele Shedlin (’12 University of Szeged from NYU) spoke for the group in a toast of thanks to Dean Nagy for arranging such a successful day and fine luncheon.