Fulbright Awards
The Hungarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange offers approximately 25-30 scholarships annually for study, teaching and research in the United States at the graduate (Master’s or Ph.D) or post-doctoral level. The awards vary from round-trip travel to grants covering all expenses for an academic year.
For Hungarians
A Fulbright Magyar-Amerikai Oktatási Csereprogram Bizottság örömmel hirdeti meg a 2026/2027-es tanévre szóló ösztöndíjait
For U.S. Citizens
Scholarship opportunities for U.S. Citizens to Hungary: Fulbright Scholar Program, Fulbright Student Program
Hosting U.S. Grantees
Magyar intézmények számára lehetőség amerikai Fulbrightosok fogadására
Information for Fulbright Grantees
Various useful links for U.S. and Hungarian Grantees