Chargé d’affaires Marc Dillard visits Fulbright Office

Written by Fulbright on 11/12/2019. Posted in News

Chargé d'affaires Marc Dillard visits Fulbright Office (Nov. 12, 2019)

Fulbright Hungary was honored to host Deputy Chief of Mission Marc Dillard, Cultural Affairs Officer and Fulbright Hungary Board Member Lauren A. Perlaza and Public Affairs Assistant Katalin Bíró today at our offices. Our guests visited the EducationUSA advising office, and spoke with all program officers and staff members about their roles in keeping Fulbright running. Mr. Dillard was then briefed by Executive Director Károly Jókay on key aspects of our program such as grantee numbers, geographic and topical diversity, as well as plans for upcoming academic years.

Chargé d'affaires Marc Dillard visits Fulbright Office (Nov. 12, 2019)

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